Il 17 maggio 2019 nell’ambito del Forum Economico di Astana, si sono svolte le sessioni: “Global Silk Road – Mayors’ Forum” e “Sviluppo dell’imprenditoria nei paesi della Via della Seta: problemi e soluzioni”
La Camera di Commercio Italo-Kazaka (AIK) ha partecipato al Forum sull’invito dell’organizzatore e moderatore della sessione “Sviluppo dell’imprenditoria nei paesi della Via della Seta: problemi e soluzioni”, Chairman of Union of the International association “Global Silk Road” Bolat Smagulov.

A dicembre del 2018 e’ stato firmato il MOU tra la Camera di Commercio Italo-Kazaka (AIK) e l’associazione “Global Silk Road


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Christine Lagardebelieves that the mediation of Kazakhstan can relieve global tensions.
The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, believes that global tensions are expected to decrease in the next six months, and Kazakhstan’s mediation can play an important role. She announced this on Thursday during the plenary session of the XII Astana Economic Forum.
“Our forecast indicated that 75% of the global economy has accelerated over the past two years, however, unfortunately, in 2019 we see that 70% of global GDP slowing down. I am not suggesting that there is a recession, but the slowdown is unambiguous compared to last year, where we see it has decreased from 3.6% to 3.3%.” said Lagarde.
She expressed the hope that next year the GDP will yet again increase to 3.6%, which suggests that “there will be no financial tightening of the belts and no additional risks.” Among the possible risks, she cited international tensions that are found in abundance, in particular between that of the United States and China.
“Although we expect a global economic rebound in the next six months, we cannot be certain. And we hope that the voltages that exist at the moment will be relaxed for certain reasons. And your mediation, perhaps Mr. President Nursultan Nazarbayev, will help with this, ”Lagarde stressed.
In general, the IMF Managing Director stressed that if Central Asia can use the opportunities of financial technologies, as the emerging market countries in other regions have done, this can significantly improve the situation of poor citizens, women and youth.
“In this morning’s session, I’ll look more at increasing inclusiveness within countries, but today’s forum also offers opportunities for expanding ties between countries,” she concluded.
The Astana Economic Forum is the flagship business event in Eurasia.
Since the launch of the AEF eleven years ago, the event has become one of the most influential international platforms for discussing issues of the world economy and the financial system. Over 50,000 delegates participated in the forum from 150 countries, including more than 20 Nobel laureates and 30 high-level foreign political figures.
Photo from

16th of May, 2019


Today, on May 16th, the XII Astana Economic Forum (AEF) under the theme “Inspiring growth: people, cities, economies” has begun.
At the plenary meeting of the AEF-2019, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that digital transformation is changing the face of our familiar economy, and mobile creative human capital is becoming the main driver of growth. “By 2030, about 375 million people around the world will need to undergo training and change their profession,” said Nazarbayev.
He also shared the forecast that by 2050, 7 out of 10 people will be urban citizens residing in cities. “Therefore, investments now no longer address countries, but cities,” explained Nazarbayev.
The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, expressed that “Although we expect a reduction in global tensions in the next six months, we cannot be certain. We hope that the voltages that exist at the moment will be relaxed for certain reasons. And your mediation, perhaps, Mr. President Nursultan Nazarbayev, will help with this. ”
Regarding technology, “We are developing an artificial intelligence that will completely change our life,” said President of the Republic of Armenia Armen Sarkissian.
“The innovations are about the expansion of human capital. To achieve success in this matter we must strengthen educational platforms and train qualified professionals”, – noted Vice-premier of State Council of People’s Republic of China Han Zheng.
“Every nation can benefit from global economic growth,” said Nobel Prize economics (2018), World Bank chief economist (2016–2018) Paul Romer.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, Herman Gref, ensures that “If you did not start yesterday, then today you are already late.”
This year’s AEF is unprecedented. In two days more than 50 sessions and events will take place – these are record numbers for the 12-year history of the AEF. Furthermore, for the first time, students and youth have the opportunity to take part in AEF Talks and meet Nobel laureates and politicians. Also for the first time, a round table was held with the participation of the International Monetary Fund for Ministers of Finance and governors of the central banks of the countries and the first Kazakhstan forum on the UN sustainable development goals.
Photo from

16th of May, 2019

Karachaganak partners sign the agreement sanctioning Fourth Injection Compressor Project

May 3, 2019

AKSAI, Western Kazakhstan Oblast, 3 May 2019 – Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) has announced that the partners in the Karachaganak project have signed the agreement sanctioning the Fourth Injection Compressor (4IC) Project.

Edwin Blom, KPO General Director, said: “The sanctioning of the 4IC Project is a significant achievement, as it marks an important milestone in the continued development of the Karachaganak field. Aimed at extending the duration of the liquid production plateau, the 4IC Project will bring significant additional value for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Karachaganak Partners. The project will also provide resources for further investment projects on the field”, added Edwin Blom.

4IC Project is the last of the three Karachaganak Plateau Extension Projects (PEP), which also include KPC Gas Debottlenecking Project (KGDBN), the 5th Trunkline & Wells Project, entering into the execution phase. One of the key priorities for KPO during execution of these projects will be maximizing the Local Content development aimed at growing the local contractors’ competitiveness in the upcoming Karachaganak Expansion Project (KEP).

KPO Corporate Affairs Department

Exhibition of Kazakhstan producers “Ulttyq ónim – 2019”

Dear Sir or Dear Madam,

I have the honor to send you information regarding the upcoming exhibition of Kazakhstan producers “Ulttyq ónim – 2019”, which will be held on May 4-6, 2019 in Nur-Sultan.

The exhibition is held on an annual basis with the participation of leading Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, and is an attractive platform for foreign companies. The exhibition will also include seminars, B2B meetings, workshops, expert consultations, etc.

Last year, the exhibition gathered over 350 enterprises of the food, construction, furniture and textile industries, agriculture, manufacturers of specialized machinery and equipment, souvenirs and printing products. This year more than 500 enterprises are planned to take part in the exhibition. The exhibition will also present Kazakhstani investment companies, such as Baiterek National Management Holding, DAMU Entrepreneurship Development Company, and others, whose mission is to support the sustainable development of micro, small and medium enterprises in Kazakhstan.

Attached please find the information about the exhibition “Ulttyq ónim – 2019” and the catalog of participants last year’s exhibition.

Visiting the exhibition is free.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me or Ms. Aigerim Nurlan, Coordinator for International Participation (Mob.:+7 702 000 2690, e-mail:  for more information.


Best regards,


Embassy of Kazakhstan in Italy

Mobile: +39 334 185 0366

Download 2018.pdf >>>

Download 2019.pdf >>>

Kazakhstan invites Italian companies to collaborate and boost oil and gas manufacturing industry.

The Italian-Kazakh business meeting on strategic cooperation “Internationalization and local content 2.0” took place on March 27th during the one of the world biggest Offshore Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy. The meeting was organized in collaboration with the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria), Assomineraria Association, Eni, “KazService” Association, the Kazakhstan National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken, as well as KazEnergy Association.
Kazakh and Italian business is stepping ahead to improve the efficiency of cooperation. Luigi Ciarrocchi, the President of Assomineraria, highlighted that the meeting will deepen Kazakhstan-Italian collaboration, and bring about the understanding of the additional room for partnership because this cooperation is the real engine for the industry development.
Kazakhstani and Italian enterprises see many opportunities to work in a more efficient way by bringing together skills and knowledge from Italy to Kazakhstan and vice versa. For instance, Kazakh companies know how to work in a sour and harsh environment, and can help Italians to develop gas fields with sour content.
Another opportunity to generate more value for Italian investors is goods manufacturing. Cables, transformers, pumps, flanges and fittings, high-pressure vessels, construction materials, reservoirs, heat exchangers, valves, steel fabrication can be produced in Kazakhstan due to a constant demand as well as obligations for companies to buy products and services produced in Kazakhstan.
“Now is a period to develop assets. There are three major projects: Tengiz, Karachaganak, and Kashagan. As Eni, we are presenting only two of them, and really want to attract your attention to this country”, – assured Luca Vignati, Eni Executive Vice President for the Central Asian region. “There is a pipe of few important projects that in the next 5-7 years has to be developed. Kashagan, thanks to the extremely good performance of the assets, brings many possibilities for the joint ventures. Apart from existing projects, we discuss with Kazakhstan government Kalamkas field development and see a high potential there”.
Kazakhstan Oil and Gas service industry annual turnover is 8 bln. USD, and it gives a job for more than 1,000 companies with a total number of 180 000 employees. Oilfield service market reaches 7,9 bln USD. Whereas, the share of Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan procurements of goods, works and services is more than 75%.
At the same time, Raushan Naizabayeva, representative of, united efforts of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs ATAMEKEN and “KazEnergy” Association, mentioned that the Republic of Kazakhstan ensures the stability of terms of agreements between Italian partners and state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are several investments benefits created by Kazakhstani government, including exemption from import customs duties, state in-kind grants, tax incentives; providing free lands and simplifying procedures, and Investment subsidies. Petrocouncil is willing to advice all the government support available for the Italian companies in Kazakhstan.
Thanks to Confindustria and Eni both sides, Italian and Kazakh received crucial information on economically feasible goods production, annual consumption, and markets volumes. Next time both sides will meet during another event in the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan – at the September Kazenergy Week.

Italian-Kazakh business meeting presso Confindustria Romagna di Ravenna

3066c914-cd30-44d3-9f1c-85eed53cf8e2Oggi, 27.3.19 ore 15:00 in occasione della Manifestazione OMC2019, una delegazione di aziende e rappresentanti delle Autorità Kazake è stata ricevuta oggi pomeriggio presso Confindustria Romagna di Ravenna per valutare opportunità di business e cooperazione strategica con le aziende italiane. Hanno partecipato all’incontro da parte della Camera di Commercio Italo-Kazaka Segretario Generale Goulsim Joumagulova e External Relations Manager Kazakhstan Roza Rysbekova.

27 marzo 2019 Ravenna – Inaugurazione ufficiale per OMC 19

 All’Inaugurazione ufficiale di questa mattina per Omc 2019 alla presenza del Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio On.Giancarlo Giorgetti hanno partecipato le nostre delegate Segreterio Generale Goulsim Joumagulova e External Relation Kazakhstan Roza Rysbekova
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ASSOMINERARIA : Workshop “La filiera energetica: scenari e innovazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile”

Milano il 7 marzo 2019

nel Workshop  annuale di Assomineraria del settore Beni e Servizi  “La filiera energetica: scenari e innovazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile”  hanno partecipato i nostri rappresentanti Ing. Paolo Ghirelli – Presidente della CCIK  (Presidente Bonatti S.P.A) e Segretario Generale – Gulsim Joumagulova









Nella foto:

il Presidente della Camera di Commercio Ing. Paolo Ghirelli (Presidente Bonatti S.P.A) con il Dott. Sergio Polito – Vice Presidente Assomineraria Settore Beni e Servizi


Visita della delegazione kazaka di Union of Legal entites “Global Silk Road Association”

Dal 16 al 19 dicembre 2018 la Camera di Commercio Italo Kazaka (AIK) ha ospitato a Parma e Milano una delegazione kazaka guidata dal Sig. Bolat S.Smagulov, Presidente del Consiglio di Union of Legal entites “Global Silk Road “Association”(
La “Union of Legal entites -The Global Silk Road International Association” è stata fondata nel 2018 nel quadro dell’attuazione del progetto internazionale “The Global Silk Road” per creare una serie di condizioni favorevoli allo sviluppo di obiettivi sociali, culturali, scientifici, educativi, caritatevoli, manageriali; protezione dei diritti e degli interessi legittimi di cittadini e organizzazioni; controversie e risoluzione dei conflitti; soddisfare i bisogni spirituali e gli altri dei cittadini; protezione della salute pubblica, protezione dell’ambiente, sviluppo della cultura fisica e dello sport; fornire assistenza legale, nonché per altri scopi volti a garantire i beni e i benefici pubblici dei suoi membri; integrazione e interconnessione di progetti internazionali di G-GLOBAL, United Fate Community e altri progetti internazionali implementati nei paesi lungo la via della Via della Seta.
In occasione della presenza della delegazione kazaka, la Camera di Commercio Italo-Kazaka (AIK) ha organizzato gli incontri presso gli uffici  delle Camere di Commercio della Regione Emilia Romagna, l’Unione Parmense Industriali (UPI), CePIM Interporto di Parma  per lo sviluppo di iniziative congiunte italo-kazake nel quadro del progetto “Global Silk Road”. Il centro dell’intera missione è stata la promozione di joint venture e la possibilità di investimenti e di trasferimenti di nuove tecnologie dall’Italia al mercato kazako.
La sede delle Camere di Commercio della Regione Emilia Romagna è stata la prima tappa della missione, il Presidente della Camera e della Stazione Sperimentale SSICA di Parma Andrea Zanlari ha presentato alla delegazione le più evolute tecniche e le più approfondite ricerche sperimentali che questo ente porta avanti da anni, promuovendo il progresso scientifico e tecnologico dell’industria conserviera italiana per i settori frutta, ortaggi, carni e pesce attraverso attività di ricerca applicata, consulenza, formazione e divulgazione.
La seconda tappa è stata la sede di UPI Parma Unione Parmense degli Industriali, Direttore Cesare Azzali,
Che ha illustrato le piu’ importanti realta’ parmensi.
L’incontro con I dirigenti di CePIM Interporto di Parma si è concluso con l’accordo tra le parti per lo sviluppo di iniziative congiunte italo-kazake nel quadro del progetto “Global Silk Road”.
L’ultima tappa si è svolta a Parma presso l’ufficio di Bonatti S.p.A., General Contractor per l’industria petrolifera e attivo in Kazakhstan dal 2000. Accolti dal Presidente e CEO del Gruppo Paolo Ghirelli, gli interlocutori centrasiatici hanno assisto all’illustrazione del progetto di sistema di saldatura automatica per le attività di trasporto idrocarburi per il mercato kazako e CSI.
Dopo gli interventi dei rappresentanti di tutte le associazioni ed enti, l’Union of Legal entites “Global Silk Road “Association”, Camera di Commercio Italo – Kazaka, Camere di Commercio della Regione Emilia Romagna, UPI Parma Unione Parmense degli Industriali, il pubblico ha posto delle domande specifiche sulle opportunità che il Kazakhstan offre.
La missione di Union of Legal entites “Global Silk Road “Association” in Italia si è conclusa il 17 dicembre 2018 con la firma del Memorandum of Understanding tra la Camera di Commercio Italo-Kazaka (AIK) e l’Union of Legal entites “Global Silk Road “Association”.
Il Memorandum è stato firmato dal Sig. Bolat S. Smagulov Presidente del Consiglio dell’Union of Legal entites “Global Silk Road “Association”, dall’Ing. Paolo Ghirelli, Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italo-Kazaka (AIK) Paolo Ghirelli e dal Segretario Generale della CCIK Sig.ra Goulsim Joumagoulova.
MOU foto