
Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan may discuss oil pipeline construction
Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan may discuss construction of an oil pipeline during a meeting of the countries’ leaders, KyrTAG reported with reference to Kyrgyz Economy and Anti-Monopoly Minister Temir Sariyev on Monday.
He said the issue is very important and it should be discussed at the meeting, he said.
The issue of the pipeline construction was already discussed during Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev’s last visit to Kazakhstan.
Sariyev said that Kyrgyzstan plans to finish the construction of the oil refinery with capacity of 800,000 tons in Kara-Balt by late 2012.
Kazakhstan takes measures to improve positions in Doing Business
Kazakhstan is taking active measures to improve its positions in the Doing Business ranking, the Kazakh Ministry of Economic Development and Trade said on Saturday.
“The main focus of work to improve Kazakhstan’s position in the Doing Business ranking in the current year will be on enhancing the reform process on indicators of “International trade” and “Obtaining a building permit”, the ministry said.
Thus, under the work on “International trade” direction a register of public service, providing paperless customs declaration of goods crossing the customs border of the Customs Union was approved.
At the same time, work is ongoing on the analysis of procedures performed by public authorities when carrying out export and import operations. According to the results of this analysis the list of documents required for the implementation of foreign economic activity will be formed.
A single list of documents and requirements for obtaining licenses, permits and other requirements in the field of export-import operations was also prepared.
Vietnam shows interest in joining Customs Union
KAZINFORM Vietnam President Truong Tan Sang looks into an opportunity for Vietnam to join the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. The Vietnamese leader made this statement at a press conference in Naryan-Mar, the Russian Federation, on 29 July, according to BelTA.
In his words, at the meetings with the Russian leadership there was discussed a possibility to expedite the negotiations to sign an agreement on free trade. “We have agreed to announce the start of negotiations on the free trade agreement at the APEC summit in Vladivostok in September 2012,” the Vietnamese President stated. “We hope that with a strong political will of the leadership of our countries as well as of our Belarusian and Kazakhstani friends and partners, we will be able to launch this process soon and complete it as an agreement on Vietnam’s accession to the Customs Union,” he added.
He expressed confidence that the agreement on Vietnam’s accession to the Customs Union would give a huge stimulus to mutual relations and trade.
KazAgroFinance purchased over 800 combine harvesters to support farmers
ASTANA. August 2. KazAgroFinance has entered in the agreements for over 800 harvesters by the harvesting campaign of this year. As it was before, the wide range of grain harvesting machinery by the manufacturers and suppliers fr om the near and far abroad, as well as the Kazakhstan machinery plants is introduced to the national agrarians. The national leasing company contemplates to purchase about 320 harvesters “Essil” from Kostanai “Agromashholding” JSC and over 300 units of the machinery from “Combine Factory “Rostselmash” LLC within the framework of the agreements made. Moreover, as of today KazAgroFinance entered into the agreements for purchase of 100 “Yenisey”, 85 John Deere, 13 CLAAS and 15 Case harvesters. At that, it should be noticed that the so-called “completeness” of these agreements depends on the availability of interest and demand for the machinery by the farmers and the agricultural entities of the republic. Today, there are over 500 applications for purchase of the grain harvesters under consideration at KazAgroFinance. Currently, about 400 of them have been approved by the Credit Committee of the Company.
“Una piccola scuola nella steppa kazaka”, Gianluca Chiarenza racconta la sua più grande passione: i Kazaki.
“Bella gente, i Kazaki, orgogliosa, onesta, non un briciolo di malizia, forti lavoratori dai duri lineamenti molto marcati a causa del difficile lavoro da svolgere in un clima insopportabile (+40°C in estate e -40°C in inverno). Ho trascorso un lungo periodo di lavoro con colleghi del luogo, gomito a gomito, 12 ore al giorno per molti giorni.”
“E’ facile strappare loro un sorriso, basta aprirsi e sorridere per primo, cercare di rendere l’argomento più positivo possibile, abituare a dire a chi ti è di fronte la parola “DA” che in russo significa “SI”; ecco che il sorriso affiora da quei volti induriti dall’aria calda e secca dell’estate e quella fredda e pungente dell’inverno..”
Per acquistare una copia del libro, con il ricavato che sarà devoluto al finanziamento di borse di studio per studenti kazaki, cliccate su : http://www.aksaicultura.net/sidebar/Cap_I_Kazakhstan_2012.pdf
Alexandr Vinokurov: medaglia d’oro nel ciclismo alle Olimpiadi Londra 2012
Un giorno atteso per un’intera carriera. Alexandre Vinokurov ha conquistato la medaglia d’oro nella corsa in linea del ciclismo, beffando in volata il colombianoRigoberto Uran, compagno di squadra di Mark Cavendish. Medaglia di bronzo per il norvegeseHristov che regola il gruppo degli inseguitori con i nostri Nibali e Paolini.
Decisivo lo scatto bruciante del kazako a cinque chilometri della fine con a ruota il passista colombiano. I Cambi regolari tra i due attaccanti hanno consentito al tandem di mantenere un distacco confortante dal gruppo degli inseguitori tradito dalla Spagna di Valverde e Castroneves.
Vinokourov conclude la sua attività agonistica con la vittoria più importante della sua carriera. Grande delusione per Mark Cavendish che regola in volata il plotone. Da segnalare le rovinose cadute di Fabian Cancellara e Tom Boonen a 10 km dal traguardo.
London 2012 Olympic Games : Yeleussinov makes light work of Herring
The 21-year-old Yeleussinov, one member of a strong Kazakh team, punched Herring around the ring and fully deserved his 19-9 victory.
Herring was magnanimous in defeat, admitting the better man won and adding: ‘I’m disappointed to have lost but as captain of the US team it’s my duty to stay around and cheer them on. If I am down then my team is down.’
Cuba’s former world champion Roniel Iglesias Sotolongo also looked strong in the 64kg category, easing past Cesar Villarraga Aldana of Colombia 19-9, and Iran’s Mendi Toloutibandpi looked strong dispatching Spain’s Jonathan Alonso 16-12.
Another Cuban, Yosbany Veitia Soto, dazzled in the light-flyweight division, scoring the biggest win of the competition so far with a 26-4 triumph over Billy Ward of Australia.
La Camera di Commercio Italia Uzbekistan organizza un’importante missione in Ottobre a Tashkent
La Camera di Commercio Italia Uzbekistan in collaborazione con Aice, organizza, dal 16 al 19 ottobre 2012 una missione imprenditoriale in Uzbekistan (circolare e modulo di adesione :
La missione si prefigge di stabilire rapporti commerciali tra le aziende italiane e quelle uzbeke. L’Uzbekistan è in fase di grande sviluppo, con un tasso di incremento del PIL che, dal 2008, è superiore all’8% annuo e offre importanti prospettive per la vendita di prodotti italiani, con particolare riferimento a macchine ed impianti. Le Pmi lombarde che partecipano all’evento potranno beneficiare di un abbattimento dei costi di partecipazione, grazie ai contributi che verranno messi a disposizione dal Bando Internazionalizzazione 2012 di Regione Lombardia del valore di € 2.300,00. I settori in maggiore crescita sono quello automobilistico, quello energetico ed il tessile. La missione è multi-settoriale, con particolare attenzione ai settori dell’industria automobilistica, energetica, tessile, del mobile e dell’arredamento.
KazTransGas increases volume of gas transportation in 1st half of year
The volume of gas transportation of KazMunaiGas subsidiary — KazTransGas (www.kaztransgas.kz)- through mains amounted to 56.4 billion cubic meters during the first half of 2012, compared to 54.3 billion cubic meters in the same period last year, the company said on Tuesday.
“Thus, the volume of transportation through the mains of Intergas Central Asia amounted to .1 billion cubic meters (50.8 billion cubic meters in the first half of 2011), of which the volume of international transit — 39.7 billion cubic meters, the volume of gas to domestic transportation — 5.5 billion cubic meters, the volume of transporting gas for export amounted to 5.9 billion cubic meters,” the company said.
The volume of transportation through the mains of Kazakhstan-China Asian Pipeline amounted to 5.3 billion cubic meters (3.5 billion cubic meters in the first half of 2011).
Rompetrol starts drilling first exploration well overseas
Rompetrol’s ‘Upstream’ division (E & P) (a Kazmunaigaz’s owned company) begins drilling the first exploration well on Focsani block in Romania, the Kazakh national oil company KMG said on Tuesday.
‘The company has had the rights to explore the block since 2005’, KMG said. ‘The KAZ 1 exploration well is located in the north-west of the block near the Fitioneshti settlement with a planned depth of 4200 metres. However, the company plans to implement a 2D-seismic survey (not less than 200 km) in the south-west section (Prunen structure) to further explore the potential of the block’.
According to the report, this action will open a new chapter in the history of the Kazakh oil and gas industry and that of the National Company KazMunayGas and Rompetrol Group.