New General Director appointed at Kaztransgas Onimderi

Bolat Tusupov has been appointed as a new general director of KazTransGas Onimderi company in accordance with a decision of KazTransGas Board of Directors, KazTransGas said on Thursday.

Earlier, Tusupov served as advisor to Director General at Transmash company.

KazTransGas Onimderi former director has been appointed as Chairman of Autogas company Board (a subsidiary of KazTransGas Onimderi company).

KazTransGas company was established in 2000 to organize the work in the oil and gas industry and to work on the corporate asset management in the exploration, production, transportation and distribution of gas.

KazTransGas Onimderi’s main activities are: organizing, exploiting, maintaining and servicing the infrastructure of liquefied and compressed gas consumption, as well as other types of hydrocarbons and fuel resources.

Grano: l’export kazako aumenterà notevolmente in Novembre


Secondo l’Agenzia, il segretario esecutivo del Ministro dell’Agricoltura kazaka Yevgeny Aman ha affermanto che in Novembre aumenterà notevolmente l’esportazione di grano kazako. Il relativo calo registratosi in Agosto-Settembre era abbastanza logico, perchè legato alla campagna di raccolta. L’alto funzionario del Ministero ha fatto presente che il Paese detiene stock importanti e che un ammontare di 400.000 tonnellate da esportare ogni mese è del tutto plausibile, secondo le previsioni degli esperti.

The Netherlands’ investements in Kazakhstan

On the basis of the data of the National Bank of Kazakhstan as for July 1st, 2012 the business portal has calculated that over 27% of the investment into Kazakhstan came from the Netherlands. The amount of investments of the Netherlands into Kazakhstan equaled to 47.2 billion US dollars. The amount of investment of the UK was estimated at 24.3 billion US dollars, leaving behind the USA with 17.2 billion US dollars. According to the National Bank of Kazakhstan at the beginning of July total investments in Kazakhstan exceeded 171.9 billion.

Expert: Extension of production sharing agreement on Kazakh project of Kashagan unlikely

The extension of a production sharing agreement (PSA) on Kashagan Kazakh oil and gas project is unlikely, the Department Director of Due Diligence “2K Audit – Business Consulting / Morison International” Alexander Shtok stated.

“Today, Kazakhstan does not need agreements on production sharing. This mechanism was required when the country had no funds for development of the oil and gas industry. Currently, Kazakhstan is experiencing no difficulties in attracting investments, this is why cooperation with investors in the PSA format is not relevant. Moreover, Kazakhstan is trying to reconsider the PSA conditions for foreign investors in their favor. Therefore it will be difficult to extend the terms of the PSA on Kashagan, the energy expert Shtok told on Saturday.

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The only Kazakhstan’s building-construction plant to be erected in Kostanay


The contract was signed on October 11 between Kostanai Akim (Mayor) Gauez Nurmukhambetov, management of Kostanai MBI and partners from Germany in the person of Director General of Likon company Viktor Lichtner, commercial director of EBAWE Uve Seits, the company’s finance director Ekkert Verner and head of sales department of Progress Holding Iohan Aukentaler. The delegates met with Akim (Governor) of Kostanay oblast Nuraly Saduakassov.
“This is only the beginning of our cooperation with Kostanay. We discussed and thought over all the details and signed the contract and memorandum on social and economic cooperation in erection of the building-construction plant as part of Kazakhstan’s Affordable Housing-2020 program,” Director General of Likon company said.
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Oil training center to be created in Atyrau

An oil and gas training center will be created in Atyrau with Canadian experts, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

“The Kazakh delegation composed of the heads of ministries and akimats, led by Deputy Prime Minister Erbol Orynbayev visited Canadian city (Alberta) on October 15-16. Main purpose of the visit was to conduct a final stage of negotiations with the management of the Polytechnic Institute of Southern Alberta (SAIT Polytechnic), chosen as a strategic partner in the creation of the Inter-regional center of professional training and retraining in the oil and gas sector in Atyrau,” the report said.

Start of the main phase of the project is scheduled for 2013.

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Vuitton sbarca in Kazakhstan

Louis Vuitton apre ad Almaty il suo primo punto vendita kazako. Inaugurato pochi giorni fa all’interno del nuovo luxury mall Esentai, lo store ospiterà le collezioni di pelletteria, accessori, gioielli, calzature e abbigliamento della maison francese. Sul fronte strategico, l’opening è una conferma dell’estremo interesse che il marchio ammiraglio del Gruppo Lvmh nutre nei confronti di tutti quei mercati in forte sviluppo culturale ed economico, come ha dichiarato lo stesso presidente del marchio Yves Carcelle.

All’interno del mall Esentai, che aprirà ufficialmente sabato 20 ottobre, è atteso l’arrivo del retailer americano Saks Fifth Avenue, nonché delle griffe Prada e Christian Dior.

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Kazakhstan Parliament adopts new 3-year budget


Kazakhstan Parliament has unanimously adopted the country’s budget for 2013-2015, reports.

“Dear member of the Parliament, today we had a clamorous talk on adopting the budget. Its adoption is our common task. We should always work as a team and take decisions jointly. I hope it will continue like this in future,” Prime-Minister Serik Akhmetov told the deputies.

Speaker of the Majilis (Lower Chamber of the Parliament) Nurlan Nigmatulin said that the deputies managed to improve the budget and find additional funds for resolution of social issues.
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Kazakhstan government forecasts 7% economic growth in 2013-2017


Kazakhstan government forecasts economic growth of 6-7.6 percent a year in 2013-2017, reports citing Prime-Minister Serik Akhmetov as saying during discussion of the draft law on state budget at the extended meeting of Nur Otan party.

“These parameters are sufficient to ensure an average economic growth of 7-percent in the medium-term period,” Akhmetov said.

Speaking to the deputies, Prime-Minister noted that “Despite of the escalating crisis in Europe and staggering economic growth in the European Union and the United States, Kazakhstan is maintaining a progressive economic development”.
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Ad Almaty è di scena il Made in Italy stra-ordinario

Ad Almaty, fino al 21 ottobre, è ancora possibile visitare la mostra dedicata al Made in Italy, inaugurata qualche giorno fa anche dall’ambasciatore Alberto Pieri. L’evento, intitolato “Made in Italy Extra Ordinary Design”, è l’occasione per potere apprezzare in un unico contesto le eccellenze italiane che riguardano diversi settori, come tecnologia, moda, creatività, arte, design, ma anche il tanto amato “italian style”.

A presentare la mostra, patrocinata dalla Farnesina, è stata l’ambasciata italiana in Kazakhstan in collaborazione con Confindustria-Giovani. La mostra è stata inaugurata lo scorso 10 ottobre.